We had such a wonderful Christmas with our families, it was really difficult to leave them and drive to our far away home. It feels as though the last several visits to MS have been so quick and rushed that we don't really get to sit and enjoy our families, their company and conversation. That's why this Christmas break was so nice. We were able to stay in Mississippi for six days!
I realize that family is increasingly important as I get older and farther from home. I hope they know how much I appreciate them and love their company.
The gift I'm super stoked about is my new sewing machine! It was my birthday present from my parents. In fact, it is the same one I mentioned earlier on my blog. A birdy must have told them ;) So many of the ideas I love depended on a sewing machine, so hopefully this new toy will prove most productive. Who knows, maybe I'll finally add products to the Etsy site I created ages ago.
Every year around the holidays, I try to get together with "the girls" {A group of about 10 girls. We grew up together and have loved and laughed so hard over the years}. This year, it just so happened that the best day for us all to get together was the day after Christmas. Well golly gee! That also just so happens to be my birthday!
Here's the deal: I have this weird complex about my birthday. Being that it is the day after Christmas, it's never really been opportune timing to have a birthday party on the actual day of (especially as a kid). I remember getting genuinely sad/mad/upset/jealous when my friends would get to celebrate their birthdays with a big party on the day of their birth. {I realize it is silly. But go ask any Christmas baby and tell me they don't feel the same}. And even though this little get-together wasn't specifically a birthday party, I seized the opportunity to go all out and decorate the house and make cupcakes and blow up balloons. For rizzle. When all was said and done, it was a splendid evening with some of my oldest friends! And mustaches were involved, so obviously it was a winning night. Here are some pictures to prove it.
I got most of these ideas off of Pinterest.
We stayed up into the wee hours of the night/morning talking and catching up and making plans to all spend more time together next year/this year. Speaking of the new year... This year we spent new years eve with some new friends here in Nashville. We had a great time just hanging out and meeting some new people.
As far as resolutions go...
Not even going to kid myself this year.
Stay tuned,