A weekend in review as recounted by out iPhone photos.
This weekend included movie date night, lazy mornings, tax free weekend, live music, new church, and a hidden trail.
Friday after work we had movie-night.
Um... SO good. Funny (hysterical even) while maintaining a quality that most romantic-comedy movies don't. Touching, cute, insightful, and cinematographically lovely. I highly recommend it.
We also want to see Beginners. Watch the trailer. Love me some Ewan McGregor.
Saturday we had a lazy morning. I made some peach pecan muffins from scratch. I had planned to make blueberry muffins again, but the blueberries got gobbled up before Saturday, so I used allrecipes.com to find an alternative utilizing what we had. (Love that site! You can create a virtual recipe box and save the recipes you want to try.)
After lunch we took advantage of tax free weekend.
Be bought Josh a couple of these:
Shirts, not boy toys
Black fitted button-downs from Express. I'm pretty proud of our savings, so I'll share.
Normally $60 each (meaning we would normally never purchase them)
+ tax free (10% savings)
+ Express sale: Buy one get one for $20 ($40 savings)
+ a coupon from Josh's mom: Save $30 off a purchase of $75 or more
= Total spent: $50 for TWO Express shirts.
Total savings: $70 (not including the tax we saved).
Why did we opt for such fancy shirts for Josh? Because he has joined The Tennessee Three. He will be the new touring drummer for the legendary Johnny Cash band. Bob Wootton was Cash's guitar player from 1968 on, after Luther Perkins died (the original guitarist).
This is Johnny cash in 1974 (you can hear Bob's guitar solo at about the one minute mark)
He still tours playing Cash/Carter songs with his family and maintains the name "The Tennessee Three" {It used to be Johnny Cash and the Tennessee Three}. We are beyond excited. Since Johnny Cash's signature look was all-black, we decided to get some fancy black clothing.
We were planning on utilizing tax free weekend to buy the Mrs. some new clothes as well, but if you know me, you know that crowds stress me out. It's the chaos and the in-my-bubble-ness. I don't like strangers bumping into me. Or dodging rude people who don't gently move out of the way.
So we moved on to coffee from Bread and Company before dinner at Demos' Steak and Spaghetti House. Yum! It is our current Nashvillain favorite restaurant.
If you come visit us, we WILL take you here. Delicious and affordable. Josh applied to work here and got the job, but we would have had to shave his beard, so I vetoed that job. I'm protective of my man's beard.
Speaking of:
I love my husband! Especially his beard.
After dinner we chose a bench in the Batman Building courtyard to relax before the Decemberists show.
No instagram effects :(
After we felt our food was sufficiently settled, we walked across the street to the Ryman to find our seats.
We learned our lesson the hard way: always opt for the balcony at the Ryman Auditorium!
This column was not conveniently placed.
And the lights were often right on us...
But the show was so great. Colin Meloy has such a dynamic stage presence. I love it when musicians interact with the crowd.
Sunday we got up and went to church. Thus the church-seeking process begins. This week we tried Journey of Franklin by recommendation of one of my co-workers.
We definitely could see ourselves there... because they had us at "Welcome, help yourself to some coffee"
But really because it had a modern service and a young crowd. Not to mention it is located inside The Factory, which is one of the places that makes Franklin such a cool place.
It is actually set up a lot like First Hattiesburg (which we miss dearly) but a lot smaller. We are going to try it on for size for a few weeks since this week wasn't a "usual" service (guest speaker).
Since we love Franklin and hope to someday buy a home there, we decided to drive around and get a feel for the residential areas. Um... can't quite afford, well anything we saw. But I'm convinced a perfect, cozy little home is out there for us.
Whilst exploring and marveling, I saw a sign for an "overlook" and we pulled over. At the overlook was a little trail. I freaked out a little.
This is the view from the overlook... foothills of Franklin
The aforementioned little path
I wasn't exactly anticipating a walk through the woods when I got dressed this morning. But I made due.
We had a lot of fun fantasizing about living on a parcel of land in the mountains where our future little ones can play in the woods.
... UNTIL ...
A fallen tree blocked the path. We actually did jump over it (which was an ordeal in my pretty dress) but the path kinda ended about 100 ft past it.
Apparently it didn't lead to any big scenic view. Sad. But we still had a good time.
Well that's all from this weekend's adventures. This week I get CRP and First Aid certified. Til next time! Stay tuned,
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